
The Border Regional Organisations of Council shall normally meet at least four (4) times annually, one of which will be preceded by an Annual General Meeting.
Extraordinary meetings may be convened by resolution or at the discretion of the Executive.
Meeting dates are as follows:


  • Southern Downs Regional Council – Friday, 12 April 2024
  • Walgett Shire Council – Friday, 26 July 2024
  • Goondiwindi Regional Council (AGM & Ordinary) – Friday, 11 October 2024


  • Gwydir Shire Council – Friday, 14 February 2025
  • Bulloo Shire Council – Friday, 11 April 2025
  • Bourke Shire Council – Friday, 11 July 2025
  • Moree Plains Shire Council (AGM & Ordinary) – Friday, 10 October 2025

Agendas, Attachments & Minutes from previous meetings can be found below: